Pixel Craft Season #6

Battle Box Advancement

An image of the contents of the Battle Box Advancment.

This is what is required for the Battle Box Advancement. A text list of what is in the Battle Shulker Box

Top Row

  • 1x Netherite Shovel w/ Mending, Unbreaking 3, Efficiency 5, Silk Touch
  • 64x Golden Apple
  • 1x Netherite Pickaxe w/ Mending, Unbreaking 3, Efficiency 5, Silk Touch
  • 1x Magic Mirror
  • 1x Netherite Sword w/ Mending, Unbreaking 3, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Looting 3, Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2
  • 1x Recovery Compass
  • 1x Netherite Pickaxe w/ Mending, Unbreaking 3, Efficiency 5, Fortune 3
  • 64x Golden Apple
  • 1x Netherite Hoe w/ Mending, Unbreaking 3, Efficiency 5, Fortune 3

Middle Row

  • Empty
  • 1x Netherite Helmet w/ Mending, Unbreaking 3, Protection 4, Thorns 3, Aqua Affinity, Respiration 3
  • Empty
  • 1x Netherite Chestplate w/ Mending, Unbreaking 3, Fire Protection 4, Thorns 3
  • 1x Shield
  • 1x Netherite Leggings w/ Mending, Unbreaking 3, Blast Protection 4, Thorns 3, Swift Sneak 3
  • Empty
  • 1x Netherite Boots w/ Mending, Unbreaking 3, Projectile Protection 4, Thorns 3, Feather Falling 4, Depth Strider 3, Soul Speed 3
  • Empty

Bottom Row

  • 1x Totem of Undying
  • 1x Bow w/ Mending, Unbreaking 3, Power 5, Punch 2, Flame
  • 64x Arrow
  • Empty
  • 1x Netherite Axe w/ Mending, Unbreaking 3, Efficiency 5, Silk Touch
  • Empty
  • 64x Spectral Arrow
  • 1x Crossbow w/ Mending, Unbreaking 3, Quick Charge 3, Multishot
  • 1x Totem of Undying