Pixel Craft Season #6

Build Box Advancement

An image of the contents of the Build Box Advancment.

This is what is required for the Build Box Advancement. A text list of what is in the Build Shulker Box

Top Row

  • 64x Scaffolding
  • 64x Item Frame
  • 16x White Banner
  • 64x Glass
  • 64x Flower Pot
  • 64x Glass Pane
  • 64x White Carpet
  • 64x Chain
  • 64x Waxed Block of Copper

Middle Row

  • 64x End Stone Bricks
  • 16x Oak Sign
  • 64x Torch
  • 64x Glowstone
  • 64x Shroomlight
  • 64x Sea Lantern
  • 64x Soul Torch
  • 64x Iron Bars
  • 64x Polished Blackstone Bricks

Bottom Row

  • 64x Stripped Dark Oak Log
  • 64x Ladder
  • 64x Campfire
  • 64x Lantern
  • 64x Candle
  • 64x Soul Lantern
  • 64x Soul Campfire
  • 64x Mud Brick Wall
  • 64x Spruce Planks