Pixel Craft Season #6

Tool Box Advancement

An image of the contents of the Tool Box Advancment.

This is what is required for the Tool Box Advancement. A text list of what is in the Tool Shulker Box

Top Row

  • Empty
  • Empty
  • Empty
  • 1x Compass
  • 64x Lead
  • 1x Magic Mirror
  • Empty
  • Empty
  • Empty

Middle Row

  • Empty
  • Empty
  • 1x Shears
  • 64x Firework Rockets w/ Flight Duration 1
  • 1x Spyglass
  • 64x Firework Rockets w/ Flight Duration 1
  • 1x Flint and Steel
  • Empty
  • Empty

Bottom Row

  • 1x Leather Horse Armor
  • 16x Ender Pearl
  • 1x Iron Horse Armor
  • 1x Carrot on a Stick
  • 1x Saddle
  • 1x Warped Fungus on a Stick
  • 1x Golden Horse Armor
  • 16x Ender Pearl
  • 1x Diamond Horse Armor